Cleantech Institute- Garden Grove- faculty and CEVT students (click to enlarge)
The Certified Electric Vehicle Techncian Class at the Clean Tech Institute- Garden Grove California
Certified Electric Vehicle Technician (CEVT) class graduation on February 10, 2012
CEVT Class Graduation- December 28-2012
Forty four CEV technicians graduated on December 28, 2012
CEVT Class- Track 1-November 15, 2012
CEVT Class-Track 2- November 15, 2012
CEVT students visit Balqon Corporation, a manufacturer of advanced electric trucks.
AmpTran electric car and electric Porsche 944
Five electric vehicles converted and built at the Institute: 3 Porsjhe 944. Jaguar XJS and AmpTran electric sport car.
Jaguar XJS V12 was converted to Electric at the Cleanetch Institute
EV Variable Frequency Drive System Controller developed at Cleantech Institute
Electric Jaguar
Electric Jaguar
Electric Jaguar- Lithium Ion battery pack
Lithium Ion battery pack with Battery Management System
The Certificate Training Progarm requires students learn to use Computer Aided Design softwares such as SolidWorks
Cerfified Electric Vehicle Techncian Training (CEVT) Workshop
Cerfified Electric Vehicle Techncian Training Workshp
CEVT students are working on the Electric Porsche 944
CEVT class celebrates removal of the exhaust system of the Porsche 944
CEVT class celebartes the removal of the engine of the Porsche 944
CEVT students were removing the internal combustion engine from a Porsche 944 to an electric vehicle
Removal of the radiator from the Porsche 944
CEVT students celebrated the removal of the gas tank and exhaust system from the Porsche 944
CEVT students celebrated the removal of the internal combustion engine system from the Porsche 944
Welding a battery box into the Porsche 944
CEVT students are installing electric motor to Porsche 944
Porsche 944- Electric Motor
Lithium Ion Battery Pack for the electric Electric Jaguar
Electric Porsche 944 at Cleantech Institute
CEVT students with the electric Porsche 944
Electric Karmann Ghia
CEVT students are practicing First Responder techniques to rescue a Nissan Leaf in case of an accident
AMPTRAN electric car is being charged at a EV charging station (click to enlarge)
Tesla Roadster electric car at the Clean Tech Institute
Tesla Electric Car at Clean Tech Institute
Nissan Leaf Electric Car
Clean Tech Institute EV students visited Tesla Motor Corporation
CEVT Students visted TESLA Morors Corp.
CEVT Students inspected Tesla Electric Car
Tesla Model S
The CEVT certificate program has been designed to train a new generation of electric vehicle specialists to work in electric vehicle production, repair and maintenance. The 16 week training program covers a comprehensive topics through lectures and hands-on workshops in advanced electric car theory and practice.
BROCHURE: Download a sample of Certified Electric Vehicle Technician training information-flyer
Course Schedule:
WEEKLY SCHEDULE: total 16 weeks, 12 hours/ week
Wednesday and Thursday: 7:00 PM to 9:00 PM (on-line distance learning)
and Saturday: 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM (in classroom and workshop)
Next Training Date:: Please contact us for an updated training schedule.
TUITIONS: FREE for qualified candidates who are eligible to get training under the EDD and WIA funding.
Employees of the US Department of Transportation- Federal Transit Administration and local County Transit Authority are eligible for free tuition.
The Clean Tech Institute is the first Approved and Eligible Training Provider for the Certified Electric Vehicle Technician training program in the State of California. Tuitions for this program are funded by the US Department of Labor Trade Adjustment Act, WIA and/or California Energy Commission and the US Department of Transportation
For more information, please contact your Case Manager at a One Stop Center in California or our Training Counselor at the Clean Tech Institute
APPLICATION: To apply, please complete the Application Form
High school diploma with 7 years of work experience or AA degree or equivalent with at least 5 years of work experience in any industry.
To be eligible to receive the training free of charges, you must meet the following requirements:
1) You must be eligible to work in the United States . If you are a male between 18-25 years of age, you must have registered for Selective Services (or if you are older than 25, you must have already been registered).
2) Dislocated workers, unemployed or currently employed workers in California are eligible to apply. However, priority is given to residents of the Orange County, California. Out-of State residents are not eligible to apply.
3) If you have not enrolled in WIA, you need to enroll with a One Stop Center- Workforce Investment Board in your county in the State of California.
4) After you have enrolled/registered with the One Stop Center, you will be scheduled to take a 60-minute assessment test at the Clean Tech Institute Training Center. The test includes 49 multiple choice questions which cover reading comprehension and basic math, plus a written essay question.
5) After meeting the above requirement, you will be notified if you are accepted to enroll in the Certified Electric Vehicle Technician training program.
6) Veterans who meet the above requirements will have priority in receiving the training under the WIA funding.
BROCHURE: Download the Certified Electric Vehicle Techcinian training information-flyer
If you wish to apply for the training program, please complete the online Application Form.
If you are a veteran, please state so, to receive priority consideration under the Workforce Investment Act funding, please use the VETERAN APPLICATION FORM.
Any questions, please contact us online.